Montag, 25. Juli 2011

Pai Attention - Horse friends!!!

Horses, do you like Horses? And do you know different sports that horses do?
Than this is the perfect article for you. Are you a horse fan, than you definetely
know some sports, like ridesport, jumpsport and carriagesport.
But do you ever hear of work and hunt?
I think it`s really new and is also interesting.
So a huntsport horse is actually there to hunt, but you can also ride the horse in
a competition. And a very special thing about the worksport horse is that,
some people would think, that they are very fast, but no, they aren´t, they can
only carry heavy things.
Now, you know, that there are different things that horses can do.
So if you see the next time a horse you can be proud of it and you will never
think it´s only a animal and it can do noting. No, a horse is your friend!       


By: Aida.A.

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